
Wipe T-Shirt

These curving stripes are designed to look like the car wiper, either the top “stripe” or the bottom built-in microfiber cloth can be utilized for your phone or glasses. Top = microfiber cloth is the 1st or top strip, good for giving your phone a good shine. Bottom = microfiber cloth is the 3rd or bottom stripe, perfect for wiping your glasses. The Fift's wipe T-shirt is priced  6,300 JPY (about $81),
You can BUY it here for 18 $
"Type [top] has three stripes and the top stripe is a microfiber cloth, so you can give your mob a good shine. Likewise, type [bottom] has three stripes, but it is in a different location of a microfiber cloth from [top]. The bottom stripe is a microfiber cloth, so you can give your glasses a good shine. "

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